There's nothing like the excitement you feel when you and your dog are working as a team. Share your dog and story for a chance to win!
Not only that, but you and your dog will also be featured on our social media that month! Tell us your best story, why you feel your dog is special, along with a great photo and you might win one of our select prizes and immortality at PCQC!

Scout | Owner Crystal Rice

Scout is not your average English Cocker. Born and raised at Tall Timbers Research Station, Scouts days consist of roaming the halls searching for belly rubs and treats. After the workday Scout and her owner Crystal head out into the quail woods to assist the Game Bird Lab at Tall Timbers with the annual quail census during the winter months. Scout patiently heals until the first bobwhite is harvested and then the hunt is on. No bird is lost when Scout is on the ground! Data collected from the annual Tall Timbers quail census helps the research team stay at the forefront of quail survival rates, as well as, other pertinent information in quail and conservation research. The hunting season in the Red Hills Region of South Georgia and North Florida is jammed packed and full of action. Early morning and late nights Scout is loaded up and eager for the next hunt. Scout has become a requested favorite amount of returning visitors to the research station. Scout looks forward to meaning new visitors in the upcoming years, but most importantly owner Crystal looks forward to sharing the love of a truly special dog.
Ralph | Owner John Joseph Coffman

Me and Ralph (3 YO Boykin Spaniel) on our first ruffed grouse hunt public lands in Michigan during October 2019. The last flush of the day resulted in a double for me. He marked both birds and retrieved to hand. Look forward to a rebound in West Texas bobwhites so he can continue to flush and retrieve behind the bigger running dogs.
Miro & Birdie | Owners Lauren and Robert Vaughn

Miro and Birdie are thick as thieves and a spunky duo. Miro, 3 years, is a big sis to little Birdie, 8 months.
As we start packing up the car with gear, guns, and blaze orange for our first hunt of the season you can hear the girls howling with excitement from the backyard. Miro is a natural star in the field (of course) but this is Birdie's very first hunt. Miro has the energy level like few have seen and is built for speed. She confidently jumps out of the car as we arrive and we begin to gear up for the day ahead. Miro effortlessly ranges in front of her hunters, never venturing too far out. We unleash little Birdie and her instincts kick right in. While Miro's edge is speed, she tends to overrun coveys of quail. Birdie trails behind her, picking up coveys left behind. Little Birdie proves that sometimes slow and steady wins the race.
Thor | Owner Paul Rabel

The moment my truck slows and I get out, I can hear Thor began to tremble with the anticipation of the hunt. Admittedly, so do I.
We've been hunting together now for 9 seasons, and I've never had a bad day. Neither has he. I've owned a lot of dogs in my days, but Thor, well, he's special. He seems to have a 'mind-meld' with me and what I'm wanting to do. He's literally always a step ahead, pushing me to do better. On one hunt, he was a good 20 yards from me and acting concerned about my pathway. All at once, he darted out in front of me at full stride, grabbing a rattlesnake by the head without blinking. I was seconds from stepping on it, hidden in the tall grass. I owe him.

Enter your dog and story for a chance to win and be published by PCQC!
All winners are voted on and chosen by the PCQC leadership team each month. Entries agree to the terms of PCQC contest rules and waive all rights to imagery used to promote said winners. PCQC retains all rights to use imagery for the publication and use of any entry to be used on our website, advertising, and all marketing.